Analyze any scene from the film with regard to elements of sound and their contribution to the conflict, story, themes of the film. It is ok to analyze the same scene that you did for editing discontinuity in prompt 7. If possible, if you see many of the same scenes in this film already analyzed in the thread please choose another, so we have a variety of response, thought.
Please incorporate sound terminology from your text as it applies (you do not need to use every term listed below) to your analysis (see chapter 9):
Fidelity sounds unfaithful to source
Simultaneous, non-simultaneous sound
External vs internal sound
Asynchronous sound
Pitch, loudness, quality
Non-diegetic sound
Sound effects
Ideas about sound point of view – including sound source, sound that thwarts visual expectation, incongruous sound
Rhythm of sound
Overlapping sound
Thematic sound
Added on 26.11.2015 14:59
This is the almost the same prompt as #7 on Whiplash, but for this we will analyze the use of sound in the film.
Analyze any scene from the film with regard to elements of sound and their contribution to the conflict, story, themes of the film. It is ok to analyze the same scene that you did for editing discontinuity in prompt 7. If possible, if you see many of the same scenes in this film already analyzed in the thread please choose another, so we have a variety of response, thought.
Please incorporate sound terminology from your text as it applies (you do not need to use every term listed below) to your analysis (see chapter 9):
Fidelity sounds unfaithful to source
Simultaneous, non-simultaneous sound
External vs internal sound
Asynchronous sound
Pitch, loudness, quality
Non-diegetic sound
Sound effects
Ideas about sound point of view – including sound source, sound that thwarts visual expectation, incongruous sound
Rhythm of sound
Overlapping sound
Thematic sound
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