Resources: A team member’s Event Response Plan Part I from Week Three and the Event Response Annotated Bibliography due in Week Four
As the local emergency management director, you have been asked to create a homeland security, local-emergency operations plan. The plan will be a direct response to the event selected by your team in the Event Response Annotated Bibliography due Week Four.
Create a 490- to 630-word event response plan for the selected event that includes justification for the plan and how you would develop it.
Include the following:
Key players that will be included in the process (layered response)
Format your paper and presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
Please use this reference below. Any questions please contact me….talk about being prepared not only for yourself but also for your family, even if they need special care. Include the key players that will be included in the process (layered response)
Office of Public Health and Human Services. (January 14, 2014). Earthquakes. Retrieved from
In this website it talks about being prepared for an earthquake. Being prepared for an earthquake is just as important as being prepared for any other natural disaster. In the article, it talks about being prepared not only for yourself but for others in your family, even if they need special care
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