Assesses the roles of psychology professionals within this area and describes whether or not the article clearly and correctly represents these roles.
Evaluate the theoretical perspective on which the study is based
Detail the hypotheses presented in the study or the relationship of interest
Describe the sample(s) presented in the study (how participants were obtained, selected, sample size, etc.)
Discuss where the study was conducted: university setting (lab), organization (field), etc.
Examine the ethical concerns in the study using the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct as a guide.
Summarize the results of the study. Be certain to specify the findings and whether or not the hypotheses were supported.
Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of the study (usually found in the discussion section of the article).
Evaluate possible contemporary applications of the results within the article
Create a conclusion that includes a synopsis of professional insights about the study.
In the creation of the Article Review, it is paramount to include information in the form of peer-reviewed research to support any statements made. A minimum of five peer-reviewed articles, not including the article chosen for this assignment, are required for this paper
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