Describe the procedures you will use to conduct your study and place in a methodology section.

The student will select a local or state law enforcement or other state or local government organization concerned with emergency management and planning, and research, analyze and critique on the organization’s emergency management and planning processes. The focus of the analysis is to examine the various emergency management planning components: Mitigation; Preparedness; Response; and Recovery, as well as how the organization uses Unity of Command and NIMS principles in its emergency management practices.

Because federal agencies are generally responsible for supporting state and local agencies involved in emergency management, they should not be used for this assignment. In addition, military emergency planning organizations should not be used for this assignment as a are generally more self-reliant and not involved in community emergency management practices.

The research should include web search, periodicals, publications and interviews of personnel involved with the Emergency Management planning of the organization and personal observations when possible. Students should view the information obtained with the purpose of critiquing the organization’s fulfillment of the components suggested by the text and other sources. Explain the pros and a con of the organization’s emergency management process. The analysis could look at whether the agency has anticipated emergencies that law enforcement will be responsible for. Perform analysis of how the agency has coordinated with other local state and federal agencies. Describe the plans that have been developed for handling emergencies. Evaluate any exercises that test the plans and propose ways in which the organization may improve their emergency management planning and response.

The purposes in conducting and writing this study are to improve your ability to synthesize, analyze, and evaluate information carefully and objectively, solve problems effectively, present your ideas in clear written form directed to a specific audience, in this case, your class.

To complete this project, you should:

Select law enforcement agency at the state or local level in which you are interested.
Gather materials from the agency, such as planning reports and practical exercise reports and other resources that may be available.
Describe the procedures you will use to conduct your study and place in a methodology section.
Evaluate the structure, practice, and procedures of the organization.
Compose the results of your study.
Formulate conclusions about your findings, including the positive and negative aspects you discovered.
Argue in what ways the agency could improve its emergency management process.

Your paper must include:

A cover page
Methodology section
Reference page
Appendices which may include a summary of your interview(s) and organization charts of your agency and your section

The text of this paper should be at least 2,000 words or eight pages typewritten or computer-generated, not counting the cover page, reference pages, and appendices. The paper shall be double spaced in either Courier or Times New Roman, 12 font. You must illustrate the terminology and the concepts used in the section of the agency you studied and demonstrate that you can apply these concepts. You must demonstrate that you can define, explain, synthesize, analyze, and evaluate the information acquired. You must correctly use APA format in source citation both in the body of the paper and in the reference page

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