Write a formal, APA research paper on the housing market crash and where we stand today. The paper should describe the scope and principal features of the field of study (such as Real Estate Broker, Agent, Appraiser, etc.), citing core theories and practices, and offer a similar explication of a related field. This means, explain how the perspective you chose relates to the field of Real Estate in general and the other areas within Real Estate.
You can write your paper from any number of perspectives:
-Appraisers and their job or role
-The lending market
-Generational effects on the housing market
-A career as a broker or sales agent or other careers in Real Estate
-Land use
-The government’s role in Real Estate
-Laws that will affect Real Estate
-Other subjects that may have affected the history and today’s situations in the Real Estate Market
A minimum of three references are required. A minimum 2-4 pages is required.
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