Discuss any weaknesses you see in the proposed strategies and suggest alternative strategies.

Change within a criminal justice agency is often intended to improve overall effectiveness. However, comfort with the status quo makes it challenging for individuals to initially embrace the change, especially if they have witnessed previous failed attempts to implement a change. Therefore, it becomes the responsibility of criminal justice administrators to design strategies aimed at identifying the benefits of the change for those that will be impacted. Put another way, administrators must sell the upcoming change to acquire end-user buy-in.

In your initial post, identify a specific segment of criminal justice (e.g., law enforcement, courts, corrections) and a change that would impact a significant segment of the agency population. Describe the change and identify potential barriers or types of resistance to the change that might be encountered. Evaluate at least two different strategies for overcoming those barriers or areas of resistance.
Discuss any weaknesses you see in the proposed strategies and suggest alternative strategies.

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