Does the music add to the story and the emotion of the film? Or does the music take you out of the film?

MAIN POST = 10 points

Your MAIN POST must be at least 150 words. Anything less will automatically lose 5pts..
Offer insightful, thought provoking, original ideas. (4pts)
Include terms/concepts from the course material, as well as specific examples from the film. (3pts)
Use proper grammar, sentence structure, spelling and punctuation. (3pts)
Once you submit, you will NOT be able to edit – so be sure to proof before submitting


Answer any of the following questions in your post on Gravity, directed by Alfonso Cuarón, composer Steven Price, sound editor Glenn Freemantle, sound mixers Skip Lievsay, Niv Adiri, Christopher Benstead and Chris Munro, and include specific examples from the film.

These questions relate to material found in Chapter 9 of your textbook on Sound Design.

How do image and sound complement one another in this movie? How is sound used to help the audience relate to the characters, and at the same time, feel disoriented?

Does this film use silence expressively? In other words, describe when silence is used in this film, and what affect this has on the story and the audience?

How is music used in this film? Does the music add to the story and the emotion of the film? Or does the music take you out of the film

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