Explain how each of the theories and ideas you noted contributed to and shaped the field of modern psychology.


• Explain the theories of three individuals who contributed to the field of psychology as we know it. Be sure to paraphrase (put into your own words) each theory or idea and cite your sources.

Then, explain how each of the theories and ideas you noted contributed to and shaped the field of modern psychology.

Finally, choose one of your individuals to identify a fundamental problem with his or her particular theory. Employ critical thinking to evaluate how this theory or idea created an unresolved issue that needed to be addressed by modern psychology.


Explains the theories of three key individuals who contributed seminal knowledge to the field of psychology; explanation includes details on the time, location, and field in which the individuals did their work

Explains the theories of three key individuals who contributed seminal knowledge to the field of psychology; explanation includes details on the time, location, and field in which the individuals did their work

Analyzes the contributions of three theorists to the field of psychology; analysis includes explicit connections to modern topics, theories, and issues in psychology.

Evaluates how three theories each created unresolved issues to be addressed by modern psychology; evaluation includes citations of current research on those topics

Communicates in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for members of professional communities, with written communication that is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

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