Taking Charge of Your Learning and Your Life. Pearson Higher Ed.
Prepare: Read the articles “Philosophy as Translation: Democracy and Education from Dewey to Cavell” and “Philosophy as Education and Education as Philosophy: Democracy and Education from Dewey to Cavell”by Saitofrom the EBSCOhost database in the Ashford University Library.
Reflect Icon Reflect: As you take notes on the two articles, think about the importance of understanding the philosophy behind taking general education courses and how your courses have taught you academic integrity, global citizenship, and cultural sensitivity.
Write Icon Write: For this discussion, respond to the following prompts: •Describe the implications Stanley Cavell’s ordinary language philosophy has on democracy and education. Provide an example of ordinary language philosophy.
•Examine the ideas of mutual reflection and mutual understanding as it relates to cultural differences.
•Share a learning experience of an ethical or moral lesson based on John Dewey’s quote: “democracy must begin at home.” Explain how that experience has influenced your level of integrity while receiving your education.
Discussion 2:
review the following information from the Ashford University Library:
•Popular & Scholarly Sources tutorial
•Primary and Secondary Sources tutorial
•Primary Vs. Secondary Sources infographic
Takes notes by listing examples and differences between these types of resources.
Reflect Icon Reflect: Compare your list of examples between primary and secondary resources. Good research is a combination of many types of sources. Prior to taking this course, did you understand the differences between these resources and the importance of finding one type of resource over another?
Write Icon Write: Provide your initial post that addresses these prompts:
•Explain the differences between primary and secondary sources used in research.
•Identify a type of resource for your Final Research Project topic that would be considered a primary source and one that might be a secondary source, and explain why they fit in those categories.
•Explain the advantages of using primary source documents in your research on your Final Research Project topic.
•Review two peer-reviewed, scholarly resources from the Ashford University Library that you will use for your Final Research Project, and explain why they were chosen.
•Provide full reference information of the two scholarly articles chosen in APA format at the end of your response.
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