Explain the essential connection between the subjects by justifying and making their comparison relevant and important.

For this written assignment, you will demonstrate your understanding of theoretical perspectives by creating a compare and contrast essay on a topic you select from the list below. This assignment will allow you to examine two or more different approaches to a given problem or different examples of a specific phenomenon. In this essay, you will analyze and explain a minimum of two similarities and two differences in the topics. You will also analyze and explain the essential connection between the subjects by justifying and making their comparison relevant and important. For this essay, you should write for an audience of novice students of learning psychology. To create a lucid and well-developed essay in your own words, you should refrain from using quotations from your sources.

Choose one of the topics from the list below to compare and contrast:

Humanism and behaviorism as psychological learning theories/principles
Humanism and social constructivism as psychological learning theories/principles
The three types of learning domains (Bloom, 1956)

Once you have made your choice, you will apply basic research to your project by taking some time to research and develop your expertise in the subject. This will aid you in the successful completion of this assignment. The research can be accomplished through reading online material or researching articles and e-books available from the Ashford University Library. You must utilize at least three scholarly sources, two of which must be from the Ashford University Library. (For assistance with finding resources in the Ashford University Library related to your subject, please see this tutorial.)

Writing the “Comparing and Contrasting Theories of Learning” Paper

The Paper:

Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
Must include a title page with the following:

Title of paper
Student’s name
Course name and number
Instructor’s name
Date submitte

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