How did people cope with the tense political situation on a day-to-day basis?

Each response must be at least 250 words. If you quote something make sure to cite correectly.

1. The early nineteenth century saw the rise of three powerful ideologies: nationalism, liberalism, and socialism. Which of these do you think had the greatest impact on the events of the first half of the century? Why?

2. Some historians have described the Crimean War as a turning point in post-Napoleonic European history. Do you agree with these historians? Why or why not? If not, is there another point from this period that you think better qualifies?

3. Life during the Cold War varied depending on the country in which an individual lived. Choose one Communist and one non-Communist nation and discuss the daily life of their citizens. How did people cope with the tense political situation on a day-to-day basis?

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