How will you present your recommendation(s) to both the patient and family member(s)?

What is the best recommended course of action for the client at this time, and why?

What potential effects would themes such as the client’s culture, ethnicity, family, education, and gender have on the situation and recommendation(s)?

How does the client’s developmental stage factor into your recommendation?

How do the client’s physical, cognitive, and psychosocial states affect your recommendation(s)?

How might the developmental stage(s) of the client’s family member(s) affect your recommendation?

How will you present your recommendation(s) to both the patient and family member(s)?

What consideration(s) would affect your manner of presentation?

Are there considerations that cannot be processed at this time because of lack of information in the written scenario?

Analyze and comment on the ethical considerations in each of the scenarios. Note how the APA’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct might provide guidance. Evaluate the unique scholarly perspectives presented in your research to support your recommendations.

Part II Evaluate Existing Programming for People Across the Lifespan

Prior to completing this discussion, please read Chapter 21 from the Lerner, Easterbrooks, Mistry, and Weiner (2013) e-book and the review the list of programs included in the Federal Program Inventory published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2013) required for this week.

For this discussion, you will take on the role of a developmental psychologist reviewing an existing program to assess the program’s efficacy for the developmental stage(s) of the target audiences identified. Using the Federal Program Inventory as a guide, search for a human services program at work either in your local area or online. Find a program of interest to you that serves the need(s) of a specific population of individuals. You may want to refer to the Program Proposal Tracks and Topics in Developmental Psychology document for ideas on the types of programs to look for in your search.

For your initial post, create a brief summary of the program’s details that includes the information below.
Program title

The program’s purpose

Who the program serves, including age group, gender(s), race(s), cultures(s), and any special groups identified (veterans, people with disabilities, dog owners, etc.)

Program location

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