Essay 3 is a 2-3 page expository cultural narrative. Expository means “to exhibit” or “explain” (WT). The purpose of this assignment is for students to explore and document various cultural dimensions of a foreign country. Please see The Smithsonian Folklife and Oral History Interviewing Guide by Marjorie Hunt (© 2003 Smithsonian Institution) for key terms relevant to this project: community, culture, ethnography, folklore/folklife, heritage, and tradition. For this assignment, students will conduct research on a selected country and document their findings in 10 well- developed paragraphs. Students must also cite at least 4 sources used to complete this assignment.
Assignment Guidelines:
Select a foreign country other than Egypt, Ghana, Saudi Arabia, or the United States of America.
Identify sources on line and in the library that support your research.
Write 10 well-developed paragraphs (200-300 words each) about your selected country.
Document your sources according to MLA guidelines.
The cultural narrative assignment must be typed double-spaced (12 point font).
Begin each new paragraph with an indention (Tab 5 spaces).
Use 1-inch margins (top, bottom, and sides).
In the top left hand corner of your paper, please include the following information:
o Date (Date of submission) o (Your Name) Jane Doe
o Essay 3 (Cultural Narrative) o English 1010-(section)
o Dr. A. Harris
Title: Create an engaging title that identifies your country’s cultural traditions.
Subheading: Please use subheadings for each section of your essay.
Introduction (paragraph 1): In 200-300 words identify your selected country, provide
historical/geographical information, explain why you selected this country, and identify the 8
cultural elements you are going to discuss in this essay.
Paragraphs 2-9: Address a different topic in each paragraph (200-300 words). Use a subheading
for each paragraph that reflects the topic. In each paragraph explain why you selected it, what you
learned about it, and your response to it.
Conclusion (paragraph 10): In 200-300 words emphasize the most compelling cultural elements
and summarize your research.
Peer Review Workshop:
Monday, November 9, 2015 (M/W Classes) | Tuesday, November 10, 2015 (T/R Classes)
Peer Review Workshop Form: Course Website, Course Documents, Essay 3
Please bring 3 copies of the PRW form to class with you.
Due Date | Submission Guidelines:
Wednesday, November 11, 2015 (M/W Classes)
Thursday, November 12, 2015 (T/R Classes)
Printed, hard copies of all papers must be submitted in class during the student’s scheduled class
period on the designated due date.
Papers submitted in other locations will not be accepted. No exceptions.
Electronic submissions will not be accepted for this assignment. No exceptions.
Late submissions will be accepted at the beginning of class during the student’s scheduled class
period on Monday, November 16, 2015 (M/W) and Tuesday, November 17, 2015 (T/R). Late
submissions will not be accepted after the late submission deadline. No exceptions.
Late submissions will automatically be docked 20 points. No exceptions.
All papers must be stapled with a cover sheet/ checklist attached to the essay.
The cover sheet/ checklist is posted on the course website under course documents.
Grading Rubric
• • • •
20 points: 5 points: 70 points: 5 points:
Peer Reviews completed according to guidelines Cover Sheet/Grade Sheet, Paper Stapled Paragraphs 1-10 completed according to guidelines MLA Works Cited page

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