Assessment Details
Please use mainly English sources and answer the question below according to the UK. Not USA! Many Thanks
The purpose of the assessment for this study is to test whether, and to what extent, you have reached the learning outcomes for this module. This will be related to the coursework to assess your ability to write an essay. The final-examination takes place in order to measure your ability to analyses independently the subject matter via knowledge and understanding.
Type and Weighting of Assessment
Coursework: This takes the form of a written essay of 1500 -2000 words. The purpose of this work is to assess the students’ ability to write answers on certain financial issues employing economic theory from a variety of resources. The topics for the essay will be outlined below. The result accounts for 50% of the final mark.
Details of coursework
The coursework for this module will be assessed by the essay below:
1. Explain the term structure of interest rates. What are the effects of rise in risk and expectations on the formation of long term rates?
Basic rules for writing essays
You are requested to conform to the appropriate academic style in writing. The following guidelines should strictly be adhered when writing essays.
• Final year students are expected to do a comprehensive research before writing their essays. You should try to be selective in the use of the research material.
• Essays must have an appropriate formal structure, which is introduction, main part, and conclusions. Discussion, ideas and evidence should be organised around the main theme of the essay.
• Essays must have an appropriate contextual structure with consistency, integrated presentation, logical flow of discussion, clear connection between paragraphs and sections, statements supported with evidence.
• Do not only summarise what you have read. Try to analyse them in a critical manner. Be original.
• Essays must be typed, and proof-read to avoid minor errors regarding punctuality, spelling and grammar. . Use the mathematical editor and the drawing facilitates. Clarity is important
• Every paragraph should have, at least, three sentences and every section, at least, three paragraphs.
• Slang, colloquial words, contractions (e.g. won’t, didn’t) not to be used.
• When ideas and findings of others are presented, then the appropriate academic style of citation should be Harvard referencing.
• Each essay must have a full reference list in alphabetical order at the end.
Remember, your assignment must be your own work.
Ask yourself,
• Have I cited all sources using Harvard referencing system?
• Have I listed in my reference list all authors cited in-text?
• Have I put speech marks around quotations and cited the source.
• If I changed the sentence structure of any sources (paraphrased), have I cited that source?
• Is my discussion predominantly my own with my citations being used to justify my arguments?
You must not copy from another student nor allow other students to read or have an electronic copy of your work.
All coursework submissions will be thoroughly inspected for evidence of plagiarism and collusion and any suspected instances will be immediately reported for investigation and action through the University’s academic conduct process. Plagiarism software, for example, Turnitin is routinely used by
The essay should be word-processed and be between 1500 – 2000 words in length. A word count should be included at end with the references. One copy must be handed in at the lecture on 11th of December, 2015, with the assessment sheet. The referred/deferred coursework deadline will be the 17th of June, 2016 in the form of another topic from the essay list.
The lateness penalties will be strictly applied. Feedback from coursework assignments will be normally provided using the Business School Assignment Assessment Form which will provide details of the strengths, weaknesses, grading rationale and points for improvement regarding your submitted work. reserves the right to use electronic means to identify plagiarism.
The General Assessment Criteria
Classification Grades 100 to 70:
• thorough understanding of key concepts /integration of theory and practice;
• focus on key factors/processes as specified in question;
• evidence of wide reading with critical understanding; evaluation of contrasting viewpoints;
• independence of thought and argument;
• well-structured flowing argument; clear, concise and correct writing;
• good academic referencing;
• well presented.
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