Prepare a 4-6 page report that includes an overall assessment of how each of the above is currently being handled and how you would change the system.

Prepare a 4-6 page report that includes an overall assessment of how each of the above is currently being handled and how you would change the system. Be sure to provide examples and be specific in your reasoning behind your suggested changes. Utilize at least three scholarly resources in your report (one of which may be your text book). This report must include:

Executive Summary
Analyze and explain what is being done in the five areas described above (team, job satisfaction, communication, motivation, and stress management) in the company.
Write recommendations for what they could be doing better in all five areas
Appendix: List of questions asked in interview

The paper must be well organized using headings and subheadings.

The written report must be in APA format, have proper punctuation and grammar, as well as free of typographical error.

All materials used must be cited correctly and listed on a reference page

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