Prepare a summary page in APA format that discusses how the diagrams portray the software system and how it is benefiting the organization it was designed to assist.

4Choose one or more architectural visualizations not described here and evaluate it using the evaluation rubric presented in the chapter. What are their strengths and weaknesses?

5. Choose an architecture modeling notation and construct a simple novel visualization for it. For example, develop a simplified graphical editor that focuses only on a few kinds of elements, or use a translation technology such as XSLT to transform a complex textual depiction into something more readable.

6. Identify an unusual user interface feature (depiction, interaction, or both) that you have seen outside the context of architecture visualizations—perhaps in another application, a Web interface, or a video game. How might you apply this to architecture visualization? Would it be an improvement or a hindrance?

7 What is a visualization? What two key elements comprise a visualization?

8. Identify a notation that is supported by two different visualizations (for example, a graphical and textual visualization). Model a system of your choosing, such as Lunar Lander, in both visualizations. Compare and contrast the experiences, and note especially what kinds of information were easy, hard, or impossible to capture in either.

Individual: Software System Model


Create 3 diagrams to model a software system that you are familiar with. These diagrams should meet at least these criteria below:

There should be more than seven major components in this software system.

There should at least be one dynamic view.

Prepare a summary page in APA format that discusses how the diagrams portray the software system and how it is benefiting the organization it was designed to assist.

Use appropriate external citations and references (minimum of 2), in addition to including references to the required readings/videos where relevant, within the assignment. Be sure citations and references follow the University of Phoenix approved style guide format (the Written Assignments Guidelines, along with properly cited APA references). Please Note: Dictionary and Encyclopedia citations and references will not count towards your reference/citation count. Refer to the Instructor Policies to identify External and Internal references.

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