Who knows how to operate a small business
Topic: Operating a Small Business for a hookah lounge
Use the same business idea you used for Assignment 1 to complete this assignment.
Write a seven to eight (7-8) page paper in which you:
Thoroughly choose the legal form of organization for the business, and support your choice.
Thoroughly determined the organization structure which is initially needed to get the business operating, including the number of people necessary to get through the first year of operation, their job titles, and short job descriptions.
Thoroughly proposed at least three (3) methods to encourage the employees to work together and build an effective brand.
Thoroughly examined at least three (3) ways to satisfy each of the stakeholders in the business including the investors, the employees, the customers, and the community.
Thoroughly suggested a way to fund the business. Thoroughly recommend how to attract equity investors.
Thoroughly analyzed how much of the funding should come from debt, and how much from equity. Support your evaluation.
Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources
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