Write a 2-3 page paper that includes:a.A reference or link to the editorial website.

For this critical task, you will write a 2-3 page paper. Complete the following steps:

1.Conduct research on the web for an editorial argument from a credible news source. The article should be clearly listed as an “editorial.” For example, you may choose an article from the Bloomberg editorials or Los Angeles Times editorials.

2.Write a 2-3 page paper that includes:a.A reference or link to the editorial website

b.Your premises and the conclusion to the argument, using either diagramming or the P1, P2… C structure given in the module exercises

c.An evaluation of the argument for its overall strength: Consider such criteria as clarity, credibility, relevance, completeness, and soundness. Based on this evaluation, do you think the argument presented is a good one? Briefly explain why or why not

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