Write a summary of how you could use each strategy in your current learning environment.

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Assignment 2: Study Strategies and Learning Style

Before You Begin…

To successfully complete your assignment, you should have completed the following tasks:

From the textbook, Keys to effective learning: Study skills and habits for success, read:
Critical and creative thinking: Solving problems and making decisions
Memory: Maximizing recall for test success
Reading and studying: Focusing on print and online materials
Review materials under the topic “Critical Thinking”
Review materials under the topic “Effective Reading”
SmeartMeasure Assessment results from Module 1

Understanding your learning style is an important part of understanding who you are as a student. It is very useful to determine which study strategies best suit your learning style. For this assignment do the following:

Review your results from your SmartMeasure Assessment that you took in Module 1.
Then, identify at least three study strategies that were presented in your readings and online lectures in Module 3.
Explain how each study strategy would work for you (or not) based on your learning style. Do you need to modify your approach to studying? Explain.
Write a summary of how you could use each strategy in your current learning environment.

Summarize your review in a two- to three-page paper in Microsoft Word and name your file Lastname_FirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.

By Tuesday, September 15, 2015, submit your study strategies and learning styles review to the M3: Assignment 2 Dropbox.

This assignment will be included in the Personal Plan for Success you will compile in Module 5.
Assignment 2 Grading Criteria
Maximum Points
Identified at least three study strategies.
Explained how each study strategy would work (or not) for you based on your learning style.
Included a summary of how you could use each strategy in your current learning environment.
Used correct spelling and grammar

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