Why can some material that would normally be forbidden under the exclusionary rule be used to return a prisoner to prison or jail?


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2-3 pages APA Style:

In your position as a parole officer, you feel as if you are making a difference in a person’s life. You knew that you would never be a police officer and here, you feel that you have more power than a police officer and you have a great criminal justice career. The Chief Probation Officer wants you to give a presentation concerning the topics and questions listed below, but first, she wants you to submit a paper of 2–3 pages containing a discussion of the topics and questions listed below.

The constitutional rights of prisoners may be held in abeyance during the time they are on probation or parole. They do not have the opportunity to interact with others who are also on probation and parole. The inmate, although on probation or parole, is still under the care, control, and custody of the department of corrections. One of the stipulations of his or her parole may be to refrain from interaction or contact with any other person who is a known felon. Why is this?

What if this person whom he or she is contacting was a family member? Why can some material that would normally be forbidden under the exclusionary rule be used to return a prisoner to prison or jail? See the example of the Pennsylvania Board of Probations vs. Scott. Be sure to reference all sources using APA style

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