can you work on Analyze strategic difference part from the outline? The professor posted a comment on the side where we should talk about Cost Leadership vs. Differentiation and diversification.
c. Analyze Strategical differences
i. Marketing strategies
ii. Price
iii. Core values/Core competencies
The two companies are Taylormade v. Titleist
Once you have analyzed the industry, focus on each company’s strategy and performance over the last 5 years. Specifically, compare their key strategies. Strategies that you may consider are their business-level strategy (cost leadership, differentiation and focus), corporate strategy (diversified vs. nondiversified, related diversification vs. non-related diversification), and global strategy (mode of foreign entry-exporting, licensing, joint venture and wholly-owned subsidiary through acquisition or green field projects). Try to analyze the factors that drive the differences in strategies given that the firms are operating in similar environments
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