Post your rough draft (1 point) and complete a peer review for at least one other person in the class (4 points). Completing a peer review online requires several steps:
- Post a message to the Peer Review Discussion Board and attach a complete draft (500-750 words) of your essay to this message by the date indicated on the Syllabus for that essay.
- Review at least ONE other person’s paper (but you may do more).
- Answer EACH of the following questions. Be as detailed as possible, and use specific examples to explain your comments.
1. Content Development
2. Organization
3. Language and Mechanics
4. Overall
- Post a reply message to the Peer Reviews Discussion Board and include your completed peer review feedback by the date indicated on the Syllabus.
- Review the comments others provide for your research paper, and consider using these comments to revise your paper before submitting it for a grade.
Of course, submit your revised essay to me for grading and commenting by the due date indicated on the Syllabus.
- You MUST use the above steps to complete a peer review for each essay. Pay close attention to the due dates!
- Review the requirements, guidelines, and grading rubric for each essay. Make suggestions to help your peer meet these requirements, use these guidelines, and achieve the highest grade possible
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