The question is NOT ‘prompt’ for you to show whatever you know about a topic. Your paper should be a structured answer to the question.
In your first paragraph, DO NOT start with statements about Epicurus, ancient philosophy, etc. etc.., Go right in and state clearly how you are going to answer the question. Do this as simply and clearly as you can. Then develop your answer, and in the final paragraph state clearly what you have shown.
Write clearly; don’t use ‘fine writing’. A philosophy paper should have a clear structure and the language should be plain.
DON’T think in terms of ‘either I show what I think OR I show what Epicurus thinks’. This is a false contrast. In answering the question you will show how you interpret and evaluate Epicuru’s *arguments* and *reasoning* in a clearly planned way.
Feel free to cite the text, but don’t cite the handouts, and don’t cite other research.
‘Death is nothing to us. For all good and bad consists in sense-perception, and death is the privation of sense-perception.’ Are you convinced? Why or why not?
“The Epicurus Reader” translated and edit
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