Guidelines for the current event papers. There are many weeks when you will be assigned a Current Event to research and report on how that pertains to content discussed during the week. The following are general assignment requirements each week. For the specific content information, please look in each weekly folder. General requirements: •The article must be representative of the economic issues represented by the topics or focus. •The article review must include a brief summary of the facts in the article using economic terms. •The article review must include a brief analysis clearly identifying the economic issues represented. •The article review must identify a problem or debate linked to the economic issue represented. •The article review must include an analysis of the problem or debate. •The article review must include a conclusion about the solution or side of the debate you think is most correct. •The article review must contain economic terms that are bolded, highlighted, or underlined. •The article review must include a curve that represents the economic issue selected. •The article review must include a second curve that indicates the change that would occur if your solution is implemented. •The article review must state an unintended consequence, identifying what or who might be hurt if your solution is implemented
Choose a topic that can be applied to a current economical event involved one of these economic concepts.
a. Balanced budget, deficits, surpluses
b. Inflation, Disinflation, and Deflation
c. Role of money, MS, bank runs, how banks make money, LRR, multipliers, bonds
d. Federal Reserve, Great Recession, monetary policy, monetary neutralit
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