Decide what form of art you think would best convey the meaning the text has for you.

Consider what you read in the Unit III lecture concerning exegesis. Take into consideration every element that might affect how you interpret the piece of text for your art. What is your cultural lens through which you are reading the text? (Think back to your spiritual autobiography in Unit I.) Who is the author of the text? What is the author’s culture? Who was the intended audience of the text and what is their culture like? What is the purpose of the format of the text (Scripture, poem, story, etc.)? What is the grammar and sentence structure like? These are all elements to consider as you analyze your chosen text.

Follow each step in the list below.

Choose a text to analyze. (It can be as small as one or two sentences from a piece of work. You do not need to choose an entire piece of work, as that would be too much to contain in one piece of art.)

Read the text several times and write a short summary of what it means to you. This can be just a list or words. Consider this to be a brainstorming activity.

Decide what form of art you think would best convey the meaning the text has for you. Ask your professor if you have any questions about whether or not what you want to create would be considered art for the purposes of this assignment.

Create the piece of art. (Try to make it something fairly simple that will not take up too much time using whatever supplies you might have around the house.)

Write an essay, at least 250 words in length, explaining the choices you made with your art and how each choice reflects the text you chose. Be sure to consider the list of exegetical questions provided in the paragraph above.

Submit your essay. As we are in an online setting, you will need to take a digital picture of your art and include it

with the essay document. Only one document can be submitted. If you have created something on the computer, you can copy and paste that into the essay document. If you have created something on the internet, such as a YouTube video, you can provide the link in the essay document. Be sure to contact your professor via email if you have any issues with submission

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