This assignment must be 5 pages long, in the following format: double-spaced, single-sided, Times New
Roman font type, 12-point font size, 1-inch margins all around.
Remember this is a business paper, which means you must write concisely and use headings and
subheadings. Failure to use this format will result in a 10% deduction from your report grade.
Please DO NOT use a binder of any kind. Simply staple your report together.
Complete a report on your internship experience, describing accomplishment of the learning plan:
Describe, in detail, what you learned from this internship.
Remember your objectives on your Learning Plan — did you achieve those, and how?
Be sure, also, that you tie what you learned on your job, into your marketing or IB coursework, by
describing the activities or projects of this internship.
Fee: $40
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Writing guide
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