One of the most challenging aspects of scientific research is synthesising past work, current findings, and new hypotheses into a research proposal for future investigations. To be successful in science you must be able to acquire funds for your research. Crafting a successful research proposal is one of the most challenging aspects of “doing science but it can also be one of the most exciting. The course work for this unit is the development of a 4000 word research proposal. Although the word count is only 4000 words do not be fooled into believing this will be effortless task. A solid research proposal may take an experienced academic six months or more to develop, and needs to be clear and concise, grounded in the scientific literature, yet exciting and engaging. It will require every aspect of scientific inquiry and call on all the skills and knowledge you have accumulated so far in your scientific career.
Goals you should expect to accomplish during the course of developing and writing your research proposal.
Identify and describe the conceptual framework for the research question.
Review the relevant theoretical and empirical literature both for the system being studied and related systems.
Describe the general research question in the context of the conceptual framework and the theoretical and empirical work that precedes the proposed work.
Formulate a concise and incisive set of hypotheses of specific aims to address the overarching question.
Design studies to test each hypothesis or aim.
Develop methods and techniques to test, analyse and synthesis results.
Evaluate potential alternative outcomes.
Combine these items in a coherent, precise, concise, and exciting research proposal.
Important Dates
Meeting/phone call with Unit coordinator to discuss research theme. By this stage the students should have a minimum of 3 questions,3 hypotheses & 3 aims pertaining to their proposal
This proposal form has 8 sections, which must be completed in the specified format and word counts. All blue, italicized text are instructions to be deleted prior to submission. All inserted text is to be 12 point Times New Roman Font. Line spacing of 1.5. Left aligned (with exception of references, see specified formatting). Additional reading materials and successful proposals will be available on the SCI500 moodle site.
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