Need help withn these questions. only need to be at least a paragraph each
“New Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System” Please respond to the following:
•You are preparing to meet with your end users to discuss possible strategies for converting their old ERP system to a new one. Propose two (2) or three (3) alternative strategies, and explore related examples of situations for which each approach would be preferred and required.
•Outline the most common assumptions that developers usually make while documenting the initial use case realization. Determine whether or not there are negative consequences from such assumptions. Provide a rationale for your response.
“In Memory Databases (IMDB)” Please respond to the following:
•According to the textbook, in-memory databases (IMDB) are making significant inroads into database management. Imagine that you are a consultant to a large transaction-oriented Web-based company. Establish the key benefits of the IMDB to the company’s CEO. Suggest the type of infrastructure changes that would be required.
•Discuss iterative design as it relates to databases overall. Determine whether one must design a database iteratively or design the entire database all at once. Provide a rationale for your answer.
•Use the Internet or to research at least three (3) current trends in software development. Be prepared to discuss.
“Trends in Software Development” Please respond to the following:
•From the e-Activity, analyze the important principles and practices that are driving the current trends in software development that you researched.
•From the e-Activity and the knowledge gained from Chapter 14 of the text, predict key trends that you believe will be popular in the future. Provide a rationale for your response
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