Discuss two to three actions a budget analyst should review consistently to alleviate over budgeting for operating and maintenance costs of a capital project.

From the first e-Activity, discuss at what point the budget analyst should decide when the product should be terminated during the life cycle analysis (Place your response here, with a Justification and an Example).

In a new and separate respond to the following:

Discuss two to three actions a budget analyst should review consistently to alleviate over budgeting for operating and maintenance costs of a capital project.

1) Action 1(Place your response here)

2) Action 2(Place your response here)

Discussion 2

From second e-Activity (Parts 1–IV), assume that you submitted your analysis that recommended Project A to your superior. She, however, negated your analysis and chose Project B. Support your recommendation with at least two reasons for accepting the financial implications of Project A.

Reason 1: (Place your response here!)

Reason 2: (Place your response here!)

In a new and separate respond to the following:

Discuss at least one advantage and one disadvantage of ex ante analysis and ex post analysis. Justify your answer with examples

Advantage: (Place your response here with examples!)

Disadvantage: (Place your response here with examples!

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