Do all of the paragraphs in your paper work to support that argument?

his final paper represents five modules of planning, research, writing, and revising. The work you have done on your topic throughout this class has prepared you to proofread and revise your paper a final time before you submit it for grading.

Use the checklist, grading criteria, and other resources in this module to review and revise your work. In particular, be sure to check your work for content and cohesiveness.

Does your paper have a clear argument that is expressed through your thesis statement?
Do all of the paragraphs in your paper work to support that argument?
Have you used appropriate resources to lend support and credibility to your argument?
Does your paper address opposing points of view, and does it respond to those opposing points?

As you conduct your final revision, take into account any feedback you’ve received on earlier pieces of your paper. Also try to put yourself in your readers’ shoes as you review your work. After a number of modules dealing with this topic, you are probably quite familiar with the nuances of your own paper. As you review your work, think about how your essay might be received by someone who is not as familiar with the issues you discuss. Try to make your paper as clear and straightforward as possible so your points can be readily understood.

The final version of your paper should be between 8-10 pages in length and cite at least 8 reliable sources using APA format.

You may utilize the Grading Criteria posted below and the Argumentative Research Essay Checklist to make sure that your work is aligned with the assignment requirements

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