Do you think the revolutionaries thought there was a chance King George might grant them independence?

There are two parts to this essay assignment. Frist, I want you to explain what the Declaration of Independence is (as if to someone who doesn’t know). Second, I would like you to take a position on the issue of the relevance of the Declaration today, and support the position you take.
For the first part of this assignment, you should summarize the main parts of the Declaration (in your own words) and explain their significance, For example, the long list of grievances can be considered a main part. One to three sentence summaries of the parts would be best. It is probably better if the summary sentences are not all in one paragraph. Summarize as you need to, not just to get it all out of the way.
You may also discuss one or more if these questions, but you don’t have to. It is important that your essay is coherent (and does not seem scattered, disconnected, or random).
– Who is Jefferson trying to persuade with his argument? (Consider who would be reading the Declaration.)
– How does Jefferson make his argument? (Analyze and describe his rhetoric).
– Do you think the revolutionaries thought there was a chance King George might grant them independence?
You must use quotations from the Declaration of Independence in your essay.
Feel free to discuss anything else you find interesting about the Declaration.
You should develop a thesis statement, which should be in the first paragraph. The following paragraphs should support your position. And then, of course, you should conclude your essay. We will discuss these elements of the essay in more detail in class.

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