Do you think this approach can be beneficial for a multi-national firm?


2 pages written per question with 1 citation each

4 references per question

APA format with citations. due by Wed

One of the most common entry strategies for MNCs is the joint venture. Why are so many companies opting for this strategy as they attempt to expand into overseas markets (E.g. US based Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer, entered Brazil in 1995 by forming a 60:40 joint venture with one of the country’s leading business conglomerates, Grupo Garantia)? Please provide specific examples and a rationale for your response.

What is the base (or bottom) of the pyramid strategy? Do you think this approach can be beneficial for a multi-national firm? Provide specific examples and a rationale for your response.

Two prominent economic arguments against free trade are 1) the need to protect domestic industries and 2) the need to shield infant industries. Do you agree with this argument? Please provide a rationale and specific examples for your response.

Should companies start monitoring labor standards within their global supply chain? Please provide a rationale and specific examples for your respons

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