Evaluate the author’s,what you agree and what you disagree with and why incorporating at least two other research sources.

In following this critique essay [option A], you will be critiquing an author on her views on online writing courses. In option [B] you can pick and chose your topic from relevant programs discussed in class.

The critique essay asks you to look at a source with a critical eye and discuss its strengths and weaknesses. It is often a comparison and contrast paper defending a thesis or claim. The claim is based on evidence that incorporates source material summary into its discussion but it also evaluates that source material. Is the position warranted, reasonable and plausible, and driven by evidence?

OPTION A: Please write your critique essay of the following article. This article is available to you in the e-reserves section of our class.

Kiefer, K. (2007). Chapter 8: Do students lose more than they gain in online writing classes? In “Brave New Classrooms” (pp. 141-151). Peter Lang Publishing, Inc.

Considerations for this Essay:

You are taking WRTG 391 online or in hybrid format. In either case, you are involved significantly in online instruction in your class.

Kiefer argues in her essay that writing courses may not work well online. She provides various reasons for making her argument.

You might agree with her. Or you might agree with her on some points but question her on other points. Or you might disagree with her entirely. In this essay, you will evaluate her arguments and critique them.

OPTION B: Select a theme for the critique in ONE of the discussion programs: Brewster Kahle about computerized search tools and libraries, or “Humans Need Not Apply” about robotics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Pq-S557XQU . You need at least two scholarly articles to substantiate your conclusions.

Please write a critique using the guidelines below. You need to incorporate at least two academic articles based on research.

In the critique essay include the following features:

Introduce the topic and introduce the author and essay program. Then state your thesis.

Summarize the author’s argument[s].

You should then proceed follow with analytical and synthetic steps, expressing the author’s position and your understanding

Your opinion is not included here. You simply summarize the author’s points.

Critique the author by reinforcing your point.

Evaluate the author’s,what you agree and what you disagree with and why incorporating at least two other research sources.

Conclude the essay emphasizing the significance of your observations.

Module 1 in our class, which can be accessed in Content, provides additional advice on organizing the critique. In addition, click here for a video tutorial on organizing a critique essay. You can also follow the following review model.


a. Attention getting device [journalist’s “lede”] to put the audience in the proper mood, such as:

1. Striking but relevant quotation

2. Striking but relevant question

3. Striking but relevant statement

4. Anecdote or brief narrative

b. Central idea or topic

c. Thesis or point or comment

d. Other preliminary information, such as:

1. Selected limitations or scope

2. Purpose

3. Definitions

4. Plan or procedure

5. Necessary background information

e. Umbrella sentence that anticipates essential points of the argument and leads into subsequent paragraphs. This “map” of what will follow makes the argument explicit.

II. BODY OF ESSAY: composed of at least three evidence paragraphs

a. First main point

1. Topic sentence: encapsulates the point of the paragraph. It also should be a strong “lede.”

2. Subordinate details, such as one or more of the following kinds of evidence:

a. Examples or illustrations

b. Particulars or raw data

c. Reasons (i.e. logical support for opinion or supposition)

3. Analysis of evidence: showing how evidence substantiates point of the paragraph.

4. Synthesis: showing how paragraph supports the overall thesis of the essay and makes it credible. This “wrap up” makes the evidence relevant.

5. Closure

b. Second main point.

c. Third main point.

[more evidence paragraphs make the point more credible]

III. CONCLUSION: fifth paragraph

a. Restatement of central idea or point

b. Warrant: demonstrating significance of point [to be distinguished from motive]

c. Final emphasis, such as:

1. Judgment, opinion, decision made

2. Recommended action

3. Returning the central idea to the big picture

d. Summary of main points or some other mnemonic [memory retention] device

e. Attention-getting device appealing to the audience and providing a sense of closure.

Links Reviewing the Classical Argument

Additional Bibliography



Submitting the assignment: Using the guidelines provided by the texts, please post a rough draft of your critique essay as your instructor directs you.

Please use at least two credible sources to help support your critique. Remember that a critique doesn’t necessarily need to be “negative” in order to be successful. You need to show that you are able to determine the validity of the material that you read.

After receiving feedback from your instructor on your critique essay, please use the comments from your instructor in revising the draft.

Please post your final draft of the Critique Essay as your instructor directs you. The final draft should be approximately 650-800 words. It should follow standard APA guidelines in citing the sources and should include a “References” page at the end of the essay to list the sources

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