Evaluate the availability of resources in the community for this population.

Wriite 1,200 word essay on the effects of race, gender, and socioeconomic status on health. This essay can be based on the assigned readings or videos, and might include field research through an investigation of health and wellness programs in your community or an interview with a professional involved.

Select a specific population, such as Cuban women in Miami.

Address the following for your selected population:

Describe the effects of ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status on this population’s health.

Describe the protective and health-promoting factors that may be present in this population.

Describe the range of challenges, such as biological, financial, or environmental, this population faces that may prevent them from attaining a healthy lifestyle.

Evaluate the availability of resources in the community for this population.

Format your essay consistent with APA guidelines.

Cite at least three peer-reviewed sources.

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