. Revise, using feedbackfromthe professorandclassmates, your Persuasive PaperPart I- A ProblemExists.
Part 2
2. Includeda defensible, relevantthesisstatement clearlyin the firstparagraph.
3. Explain a detailed, viable solution that supports your thesis. Thisshould be one ortwo (1-2) paragraphs.
4. State, explain, and support thefirstadvantage (economic,social,political,environmental,social, equitable,ethical/moral, etc.)to yoursolution.Thisshould be one ortwo(1-2) paragraphs.
5. State, explain, and support thesecondadvantage (economic,social,political,environmental,social, equitable,ethical/moral, etc.)to yoursolution.Thisshould be one ortwo(1-2) paragraphs.
6. State, explain, and support the third (and fourth if desired) advantage (economic, social, political, environment, social, equitable, ethical/moral, etc.) to your solution. This should be one or two (1-2) paragraphs.
7. Use effective transitional words, phrases, and sentences.
8. Provide aconcluding paragraph
/transitionalparagraph that summarizestheproposedsolution and itsadvantages.
9. Develop a coherently structured paper with an introduction, body, and conclusion.
10. Use one or more rhetorical strategies (ethos, logos, pathos) to explain advantages.
11. Support advantage claimswith atleast three(3) additional quality relevant references. Useat least six (6) total for Parts 1
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