Explain the key factors that make your company different than competitors within your industry.

Write a four to six (4-6) paragraph journal entry in which you:
Identify the target market and your secondary market for your company. Note: Be as specific as possible (e.g., women 30-45, with a high school education and some college; people working full time and living in the Midwest, etc.).
Describe your unique selling proposition (USP). Explain the key factors that make your company different than competitors within your industry. Describe the primary way in which the USP for your company targets the two (2) markets you identified in Question 1.
Example of a USP:
My product is t-shirts and coffee mugs with fun and empowering logos for women.
My target market is women ages 35-55, college educated, working full time. My secondary market trends a little younger at 25-35, women passionate about their professional life and their personal pursuits.
My USP is “Be Authentic, no Apologies.”
My reasoning is I want women to buy my sassy slogans, because they want to show their authentic voice on a shirt or mug.
Note: Insert the information from the completed Journal 3 entry into “Section 3: Unique Selling Proposition” in the provided Marketing Plan Template (located in Week 1).

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