his assignment asks you to write an essay that puts forth an argument about the meaning, vision or interpretation of justice and/or judgment in one of the following works: Antigone by Sophocles translated by Robert Fagles, The Tempest by William Shakespeare edited by Barbara A. Mowart or Beloved by Toni Morrison. The basic building of this essay will be close reading specific passages from your chosen text. You must also draw on 2-3 contexts from different sources that help support and modify your interpretation of the text and its ideas about justice and/ or judgment.
Some tips:
– Think about the following questions when building your thesis statement: What is justice? How do we determine what is right and wrong? Through which kind of processes should we choose-and enforce –these definitions? How should we negotiate tensions between the individual and the collective?
– Be certain that your argument has a clear “so what” factor that articulates the consequences of your thesis—why your argument matters. What does your argument teach us? What does it help us to see? How does it clarify our thinking about justice and/ or judgment? The “So what” factor should be the final sentence of your thesis as it appears at the beginning of the essay, and you should explore this component of the argument more fully in the conclusion of your essay.
– Your contexts(other literary sources) can be anything (Philosophical treatise, another work of literature, film, image, historical document, etc) The kinds of contexts you choose should emerge from your interest in the text: what questions/aspects/dimensions of the literary work concern you, what you want to know more about, etc.
– The evidence for your argument is the language of the texts. You will thus need to cite your passages, as well as other relevant portions of your texts, to support your claim
– NB: your primary text should be either Antigone by Sophocles translated by Robert Fagles or The Tempest by William Shakespeare Edited by Barbara A. Mowart.
Argument: Basic Features:
Assertion: claim about meaning
Evidence: specific proof/example in the text
Significance: contextual/external relevance
Addresses content and form: what and how
Addresses so what (how is the claim supported, why do we care)
What + how + so what= argumentative thesis
This assignment asks you to craft a focused beginning, constructing a clear and sophisticated argument; employing the skills of close reading to support and develop your argument; setting up and following up quotations properly; and articulating a “So what” factor. Remember to also craft focused paragraphs with clear topic sentences that signal how the paragraph moves the argument forward. Finally, compose a conclusion that explores your “So what” factor. And, always strive to achieve clarity, complexity, and precision in the argument, evidence, and analysis you put forth.
How to Begin
i) With a relevant quotation
ii) With a question. Example: Why does Ismene disappear with roughly 800 lines remaining in Antigone? At first glance, it may seem that Sophocles eliminates Ismene from the play because he disapproves of her passivity. But Ismene’s disappearance does not mean that Sophocles rejects her position. […]
iii) With a surprise (set up an expectation and then frustrate it)
iv) With a complication, tension, or contradiction
– Use MLA style, New Roman times 12pt, single spaced, set your margins to one inch. Give your paper an interesting title that speaks to the essay’s argument.
I think this is a good strategy of approaching this assignment:
-read both/either “Antigone” or “The Tempest”
-Decide on which primary text to use
-What argument can you make from just your primary text about how this work interprets or envisions justice and/or judgment?
-Search for secondary sources using your initial argument from your primary text.
-decide on what kinds of secondary sources will you need to draw on to support and develop an argument you had about the primary text and its project. you can use historical, theoretical, journalistic, and/or critical sources. you can also use other literary works, art or film.
-Then formulate your new argument using the secondary sources that support or modify your claim about justice and/or judgment in the text.

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