Animal use in toxicity testing has long been a controversial issue, however, there can be benefits. Read “The Use of Animals in Research,” which is an article that can be retrieved from
Evaluate the current policies outlined in the Position Statement. Use the instructions to guide you in your analysis. Feel free to use additional information and avenues of information, including the textbook, to critically analyze this policy.
In addition, answer the following questions:
How do toxicologists determine which exposures may cause adverse health effects?
How does the information apply to what you are learning in the course?
What were the objectives of this toxicity testing?
What were the endpoints of this toxicity testing?
Finally, include weather or not you agree with the Society of Toxicology’s position on animal testing.
Your Case Study assignment should be three to four pages in length. Use APA style guidelines in writing this assignment, following APA rules for formatting, quoting, paraphrasing, citing, and referencin
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