How his life and inspirations have motivated his work.

Here is a copy of my project proposal:
What is the topic:
My paper will be using works of Stephen Sondheim to look at his influences on musical theatre. I will be researching his life and childhood and look at his relationships with his mentor (Oscar Hammerstein II), collaborators, and the others who inspired him. I am mostly interested in writing about Sondheim and the people who he has collaborated with and the people who inspired him. I think his relationship with Oscar Hammerstein II interests me the most because he is another one of my favorite people in musical theatre history.

What is there to be learned about it:
Sondheim has had a great influence in modern musical theatre history and this paper will be taking a look at all of the impacts he has had on his time.

What is your work going to reveal:
I am purely taking the information and compiling it into a commentary on Sondheim’s past, and how his life and inspirations have motivated his work. (A lot of his works are about art/artists – is he writing about himself? / he writes span style and genre what makes him so able to change approach with each new project?)

How are you going to do the work:
I will be breaking down the essay into three sections; first, I will be taking a look at Sondheim’s life and biography. Second, I will be looking at Sondheim’s inspiration and works. In this section I will also be taking a look at his collaborations and his relationship with Oscar Hammerstein II. Finally, I will be taking an overall look at Sondheim’s influences on musical theatre throughout his career.

Proper format and follows quotation and citation conventions. Note: margins should all be at 1″, the papers double-spaced and the font no bigger than 12 point Times New Roman. Polished and professional, special attention to content interpretation analysis and form (spelling, grammar, etc)
Fee: $49.5

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