Identify the steps you will take, including the use of social media, to build a coalition around the policy, highlighting your role in the process.

For this assignment, you will be building on the problem definition developed inModule 4 and develop a policy proposal for advocacy and adoption.


Create a 10- to 12-page policy proposal, utilizing a minimum of five scholarly sources in your research. Address the following in your proposal:

State the social problem you wish to solve.
Analyze the policy development cycle and the influence of stakeholders throughout the process.
Discuss how the policy development cycle and the influence of stakeholders will be used to effect social change for your identified problem.
As a human services professional, examine your role in policy advocacy and coalition building for improving human services.
Describe all of the resources available to support your policy and how you would organize them.
Identify the steps you will take, including the use of social media, to build a coalition around the policy, highlighting your role in the process.
Determine a list of the different constituents you would engage to advance your policy goal.
Define the specific policy action to be pursued.
Develop the criteria for measuring the effectiveness of the policy for society if adopted.

Submission Details:

Save your paper in a Microsoft Word document named M5_A2_Lastname_Firstname.doc and by Monday, February 22, 2016, upload it to the M5 Assignment 2 RA 2 Dropbox

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