International Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior.

MN5131 International Human Resource Management and

Organizational Behavior 2014/15 (Resit assignment)

Please write an essay on ONE of the following topics. The upper word limit is 2,500 words (excluding references). Your essay must be submitted in accordance with the standard School of Management submission procedures. Working individually, choose ONE of the following case studies of companies which have undergone changes in their recent history (presented here with suggested readings to start with). Identify TWO aspects of HR involved in this change, discuss how they affected or were affected by the crisis, and consider the implications for wider HRM practice.

3) IKEA Anonymous (2009) China Teaches Ikea the Limits of Homogeneity. Strategic Direction 25 (11): 43. de Chernatony, L. and Tarnovskaya, V. (2011) Internalizing a brand across cultures: the case of IKEA. International Journal of Retail & Distribution Management 39 (8): 598 – 618 .

Coursework requirements: Work must be typed, contain an accurate word count and use Harvard system of referencing. A successful essay is one that uses both theory and evidence to answer, directly, the set question. This requires that you read widely, not just the suggested texts for the chosen essay topic. Please keep a copy of all work submitted. You may not sit the exam without completing this work. Extensions are given in only exceptional circumstances, and work received late is subject to a range of penalties (see student handbook).

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