Locate the Website of a major corporation of your choice (I was thinking about Walmart). What statements about diversity are included? Is there a nondiscrimination policy? If so, which areas are included (e.g., race, sex, etc). If possible, determine the race, ethnicity, and sex of the CEO, board members, and other top executives of the organization.
2. Access the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s Web site: http://eeoc.gov/. Document a recent lawsuit or settlement involving race, ethnic, sex, age, disability, national origin, or religious discrimination that was likely to have been covered by the media. Describe the allegations, plaintiffs, and resolution of the cases. Document the time periods between the incidents and final resolution of the cases. Search the Web for newspaper articles or other media presentations relevant to each case. Are there different perspectives in the EEOC’s presentation and the media’s presentation? Discuss.
Expected outcome: Written assignment based on questions 1 and 2. The document must be written by using some APA requirements such as APA spacing and margins, Time New Roman or Arial size 12, cover page, main body (answer of the questions), references. No abstract and conclusiond are needed
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