Outline to list main topics the project will cover and incorporate project guidelines and Primary and Secondary Dimensions of diversity.

The Project Proposal must that’s due this week
Must discuss the webpage that is chosen and I am choosing to mine on
UC DAVIS HEALTH SYSTEM (www.ucdmc.ucdavis.edu/welcome/index.html) This health system is part of UC Davis university—is a teaching hospital and is one of the largest employers in the Sacramento, California area.

and why, and how topic is important to the study of cultural diversity.

Must include what the the student expects to find and or what the student would be interested in learning; describes how the student plans to go about her research.

Proposal must in APA format with a numbered Title page with a running head.

The 2nd part due:
Is for the Reference list and Outline

Outline to list main topics the project will cover and incorporate project guidelines and Primary and Secondary Dimensions of diversity;

Reference list must have a minimum of 4 relevant scholarly/peer reviewed sources

APA format, double-spaced, a numbered Title page with a running head, alphabetized and uses hanging indents

Final Paper will need:

To address project guidelines and primary/secondary dimensions of diversity, integrating concrete examples and strategies, and uses information from sources to support points

APA format, a numbered Title page with running head, a body of text that uses an introduction, a conclusion, headings and subheadings, and a reference page that is double-spaced, alphabetized, uses hanging indents and includes a minimum of 4 scholarly/peer reviewed sources

Needs a clear introduction and a conclusion that summarizes the paper’s key points

The Textbook being used is Understanding and Managing Diversity: Readings, Cases and Exercises. By Carol Harvey and M. June Allar

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