Prepare a report that lists all the records for the employees to include ID, first name, middle initial, last name, department.

programing homework

You customer needs and application that will allow them to perform the following functions:

Add or search records for employees in a master employee file. The program will allow adding records until the employee name is equal to 0 (the number 0). This will exit the program.

Search the master employee file for an employee record using the last name or employee id, and display the record. When a record is found, the program will allow the option to edit or delete the record.

Prepare a report that lists all the records for the employees to include ID, first name, middle initial, last name, department. The report is to be sorted by department. (use an array to sort the data)

Each of the above functions is to be selected from a main menu. When the function is complete, the program should return to the main menu.

The master employee file includes the following fields:

Employee ID

Employee first name Employee middle initial Employee last name Employee department Employee classification Employee salary Employee manager ID

num 12 string 30 string 1 string 30 string 8 num 4 num 7 num 12

This is a small company and the employee master file will contain no more than 25 records.

Your project deliverables consist of the following documents:

– The flow chart that shows all the processes previously described

– The pseudocode for your program.

– A hierarchy chart to show the relationship between modules.

– An IPO chart for your methods.

– Include an MLA heading to identify your project pages.

– Include page numbers.

– The project must be legible and free of spelling/grammatical errors.

COP 1000 project

– You may use any application you feel more adept at using (Power Point, Visio, Word, etc.). You will submit your source files to the drop box. However, you MUST submit the each document in .PDF format for grading. You MUST include the source file AND the .PDF file to receive a grade for each document

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