Provide an essay with 3 points with prof and analysis.

provide an essay with 3 points with prof and analysis. ( i’ll give instruction files to follow)

Thesis: (Canadian who fought in Afghanistan have fought to defeat the threat of terrorism and to ensure that the lives of others are safe and to build a better world.)
Main Argument (Topic Sentence)
Was it worth it to go to war?
First point: First many Canadian soldiers died in Afghanistan..
prof: when Canada’s mission ended in 2014, 40,000 had served Afghanistan and of these 40,000 canadians 158 had been killed and more than 1,800 were wounded. David perry estimated that the final bill will reach 22$ Bill.

Second Point: Canada Has improved its diplomacy, community development and security for women rights ensuring education for girls.

( i will upload the essay outline, i haven’t came up with a third point, i will also upload a paper of where this info is taken from so you can reference it, also add additional source and cite.)

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