Social Studies Thematic Curriculum Design and Assessment

please read the assignment details below very thoroughly because there is a lot of information required that you do not get until it\’s read in its entirety. If you need anymore information from me please let me know.

Using a graphic organizer of your choice, create a basic outline for a social studies theme that could be taught over the course of one month or longer.

Choose a topic that includes two or three units that flow in an orderly sequence. Display the unit titles in the graphic organizer with lesson titles, topics, and objectives that are aligned to the standards. Full lesson plans are not required.

Create a rationale statement as well as a student-friendly title for the entire theme.

Include sections on your graphic organizer for culminating activity ideas, field trips, guest speakers, and other resources, including literature.

Design at least two authentic assessments that address your topic; one formative and one summative.

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