Summarize the facts and major points from the article and be sure to identify the ethical issue or issues presented in the article.

As the use of computers and the internet becomes more prevalent, ethical issues related to computer usage will continue to make a larger impact on people’s lives and the way that society functions. Computer ethics involves the moral principles and behavioral guidelines associated with the way in which individuals, organizations and society as a whole use computers and information technology. Some examples of ethical issues related to computer use include personal information privacy, computer security, identity theft, intellectual property, equal access to information etc.

Find a current news article in the Ashford University Library’s ProQuest Newsstand database about an ethical issue that involves computer technology, or involves a technology company. The Ashford University Library is accessible through the online classroom via the Library tab. For tips on how to use ProQuest Newsstand, view this quick guide: ProQuest Newsstand Research Tips.

Summarize the facts and major points from the article and be sure to identify the ethical issue or issues presented in the article.

Cite your source within the body of your initial post and provide a complete reference for the source, formatted according to APA style as outlines in the Ashford Writing Center, at the end of your post

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