What is security? What are the properties that a software system must exhibit in order to be called secure?

Supporting Activity: Design Decision

1Discuss the choice of programming language and its relation to architecture, and the design decision in one of these six categories:

Allocation of responsibilities

Coordination model

Data model

Management of resources

Mapping among architectural elements

Binding time decisions

Supporting Activity: Trust Boundary

Write a 50- to 100-word response to the following question:

2 If you were the software architect of an online election system for your county, how would you define the trust boundary of this system?

Software Engineering: Modern Approaches

Write a 50- to 100-word response to the following questions:

3 Choose any software application, such as Firefox, and Use UML sequence diagrams to show how the security mechanisms within the application operate.

4 Describe at least two applications, other than online auctions and file sharing, where trust or reputation management may prove useful, and explain the rationale for your choices

.5. Evaluate whether the PACE architectural style could be used to build the participants in the above applications

6. What challenges to security are introduced by decentralized applications? What is trust management?

7 What is security? What are the properties that a software system must exhibit in order to be called secure?

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