SWOT Analysis
Based on your unit reading, create a SWOT analysis for the company you chose to research. Your analysis should be between one to two pages, and identify the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Use Microsoft Word and create four sections for your paper using the SWOT categories as your headings.
Each category should have approximately 200-300 words describing the issues that fall under that area, for a total of 800- 1,200 words across the four areas of the mini-SWOT analysis. The opportunities and threats should have at least ten items identified for each.
Format your SWOT analysis using APA Style. Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism.
Part II
Using the information gathered from your SWOT analysis conducted in Unit II, create an EFAS table for the company you researched. Use Microsoft Word to create your table. It should have five columns. The first column heading should be entitled External Factors, the second column should be titled Weight, the third column should be titled Rating, the fourth column should be titled Weighted Score, and the fifth column should be titled Comments.
In the External Factors column, list at least six opportunities you saw in the company you researched. Underneath the opportunities, list at least six threats you saw in the company you researched.
In the Weight column, assign an importance factor to each of these issues from 0.0-1.0 (1.0 is most important; 0.0 is least important). These ratings are based on the probable impact on a particular company’s current strategic position. The higher the weight, the more important the factor to the current and future success of the company. You may not be privy to the exact information for this company, so in some cases you will need to use your best judgment. (You will justify your weighting in column five.)
In the Rating column, assign a rating factor from 5.0-1.0 (5.0 is outstanding; 1.0 is poor). These ratings are based on the company’s response to that particular factor. It is a judgment call on how the company is currently dealing with each specific factor. Once again, you may need to make an estimate in this area if you are not privy to all of the information. (You will justify your weighting in column five.)
In the Weighted Score column, multiply the weight from column two by the rating in column three to get the factor’s weighted score.
In the Comments column, explain why a particular factor was selected and how its weight and rating were estimated.
At the bottom of column four, add the weighted scores for the external factors. Is the company doing better or worse than others in the same industry? Complete this answer underneath your table.
Format your assignment using APA Style. Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism
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