What concerns do they raise for both children and adults? How can you use hoax websites to teach information literacy?

re you able to do discussion assignment due 7pm eastern time 2/5/16 1 page

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Requirements : 12 font double space , cites , references, use resources as directed.

In your readings for this week, you learned about the importance of information literacy and fluency. You also read about the importance of helping learners develop the ability to evaluate information critically and competently. A number of “hoax” websites have been created to help educators teach these skills. Reflect on your exploration of the hoax websites provided in this week’s resources. What were your impressions of the legitimacy of these sites? What concerns do they raise for both children and adults? How can you use hoax websites to teach information literacy?

Summerize a summary of your exploration of the hoax websites and address the importance of information literacy skills for schools and society

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